Monthly Archives: April 2010

The Other Polymer Clay Seeds…

I mentioned before I have a few pumpkin seeds. I should probably plant them soon if I want  any pumpkins ready for Halloween! They look happy now, wait until they find out what I have planned for them….Muahahaha!

In case you haven’t noticed, look up at our banner.

 There is a picture of their uncle, he wasn’t grumpy before he had that saw thrust into his cranium! He could really use some Tylenol and a Band-Aid!  – T


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Grad Nite Prep Continues

We are making head way in our adventure with turning the gym into a Greek experience.  I just feel like it is slower than I wish.  The guys are doing a great job at getting the different wall pieces put together. Pretty soon they are going to run themselves out of work and they will have to paint!   

Images of Olympians

This is the wall Zeus will appear on his Throne!

Our latest project is Zeus.  He will be on the wall as the students enter the gym.  He is a handsome man, I hope.  But I think that he will take some time to transform.  I have attempted to make him more impressive using painters putty.  It does not want to stick very well to a painted surface so I may have to resort to Polymer clay.  I will see what the nose I made last night looks like tomorrow.  In the mean time you can check out some of the other pieces we have been working on.  -K

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Beaded Bracelet

The other day I felt like playing with my beads, rather than keeping them just a collection. I used to have a subscription to Bead & Button Magazine and have recently let it run out. I figure after getting it for more than 10 years I probably have enough books to be inspired by something in at least one of them! I found this pattern in the June ’09 issue. Now, what kind beads should I use? Since I have been buying beads from the beginning of time, I have a few choices. It was fun digging around again in my little treasures. I really like these square beads, they lay nicely on your wrist. It has more color in person than this picture. It’s more like antique gold round beads with the squares to match. But, when it moves in the sunlight all the colors show up on the squares, blues, purples and a bit of fuchsia. I’m happy with the way this came out.Lately I’ve been wanting to work with gold tones, amber, copper, matching metals and such. I feel like artistically I’m in the wrong season. Maybe I’m ahead of the game, probably not, but we’ll go with that for now. It’s that whole marching to the beat of your own drummer thing I suppose. Personally, I like to create while listening to movie music CD’s. It may not much of a surprise to see that my favorites include Pirates of the Caribbean, Nightmare Before Christmas, Harry Potter and Disney’s Greatest. This might explain a lot. – T


Filed under Beading

Colors Galore- Part 2

These are the pieces I worked on in class.

I have been busy this week with Grad Nite, but I can’t wait too long to get back to my clay I made on Saturday and Sunday in class, at Quilter’s Paradise in Escondido.  The SDPCG  thanks them for letting us hold classes there!   Here are some of the items.  I have bubbles and stripes and all kinds of different colors!  Check them out.  -K


Filed under Clay, pictures

More Polymer Clay, Please?

I’ve tried so many things in my past crafting adventures that I keep stumbling across stuff to show you. I made these after seeing it done on The Carol Duvall Show. My oldest son made a necklace and a pair of earrings for his 5th grade teacher from this batch of beads, they both love sushi! She loved the gift he made too. I think the ones he used were even smaller than these.

No wonder I’m still hungry!

My plate doesn’t seem to have much on it. Such skimpy portions! I may have to make some new rolls and other menu items for variety. I think this may take some research…yeah, research…Come on kids, Mom has to do research for clay food, sushi tonight! Woo hoo!  – T


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Faux Mokume Gane Beads

Beads! More polymer clay beads for my bowl of eye candy. I signed up for a black and white bead swap. Yay, a swap that sounds easy! I don’t know how many I have to make. Aw whatever, I will make a ton then pick the cream of the crop to swap! I found these in my stash yesterday, they are from a class I took from Ellie Hitchcock a couple of years ago. The class was called Faux Mokume Gane.

Like most of the classes I have taken from Ellie they seem the be addictive! She has the dream job, doing her art at Spanish Village in Balboa Park! Selling her art, having classes and meeting people from all around the world.

If only, if only…maybe someday I’ll have a place to play with my clay that I don’t have to clear off at dinner time. I think I am going to go a do a bunch of beads right now! I haven’t touched my clay in a few days and I think I’m getting a bit twitchy. I…gotta…go…play…with…clay! – T


Filed under Clay, pictures

Grad Nite Changes!

We have really been working on the dance floor wall.  The guys have gotten it all set up and we are working on the painting to make it look like a Greek Theatre.  In the windows we will have images of the different Greek Gods.  So here is what it looks like so far.   We started with what they had from last year.  Then we began to change the paint.  As the guys were constructing the wall we discovered that one of the panels were upside down. (3rd photo, top) We get to paint that panel again.  I also discovered that I am a lot older than I used to be.  I can feel every muscle in my body from climbing up and down the ladder and painting.  The people I am working with are great  and we are doing for the kids! -K

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Filed under Grad nite, pictures

Polymer Clay by the Pool

The weather has been so nice lately you just feel like you need to be outdoors, even if you have to do yard work. In the warmth of the sun you tend to get a little toasty. The pool is looking very inviting, cool, clean and calm…actually, it’s ice-cold, tons of chlorine and no kids in it! I wait until the water temperature is well into the 60’s before I’ll go in! Yes, I am a big sissy. But why not dip our feet in for a bit.

I guess not everyone is as picky as me about going for a swim…

skinny dipper frog

You can see him better in this picture since he’s not hanging out in the jasmine.

I think I caught him off guard, he looks a little embarrassed.  – T


Filed under Clay

Having fun with Color! Part 1


A dark blend,a light blend and then the one on the bottom needs to be blended.

The lines are fuzzy!
Initial colors-Yellow, Turquoise and Fushia

Members of the SDPCG spent the day Saturday building some wonderful Skinner blends which Lindly Haunani had us manipulate into several striped sheets.  Then the game was on.  We only started to create with these sheets.  I did not want to go home.  The store was closing.  I was exhausted when I got home and took a nap before I went to a fundraiser for Grad Nite. I couldn’t wait to get back!

  We started off Slow as to not drain our  brains first thing.  Lindly had so many wonderful things to teach us.  It all begins with these stripes that we have- some in dark blends and some in light blends.  She taught us so many ways to manipulate the colors.  If you need to get inspired check out her new book she wrote with Maggie Maggio Polymer Clay Color Inspiration. We got to play with bubbles, swirls and more stripes.  It was so much fun.  I had to go home again and I fell asleep on the couch!  Lots of brain power.  Thanks Lindly!  Check back for examples of what I made!  -K

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Filed under Clay, pictures

Polymer Clay Seeds for Marie

 Marie Segal asked for seeds on my last veggy post. Lol, seeds! Hmm…seeds, what would a veggy pen seed look like?Ok, I’ll show you, back to my pretend world…

  Luckily, I found a few polymer clay pumpkin seeds and one carrot seed that wasn’t planted last year. Carrot seeds are sooo small I had to use a microscope to get a picture for you to get a good look at it.

carrot seed enlarged about a bazillion times(give or take a few)

I am glad I caught him smiling and his eyes open.


baby carrots and seed packet

Oh, one more thing, You can’t pick them too early. They will still need a lot of care …uh oh, one lost his binky again! – T


Filed under Clay